Data integration tasks. Development and maintenance of data load/extraction interfaces. PowerBI dashboard development tasks for improving the project management efficiency. Migration tasks to move the on-premise system to Google Cloud's infrastructures.
Main skills: Python, Oracle SQL, PowerBI, Shell scripting, GCP
Oct. 2024 - curr.
Java Developer
API development and maintenance tasks. Upgrading tasks to update the codebase to a newer Java version. Migration tasks to move the on-premise system to Google Cloud's infrastructures.
Online clothing store webpage Back-end under development
In production
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Docker container for automating and scheduling file and folder back-ups Cron expression based scheduling Ability to send back-ups to a remote host Security enhanced with PGP encryption
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Attendance control system with NFC cards On-premise, with simple hardware: Raspberry Pi, PN532 NFC sensor, NTAG215 tags, buzzer, LCD screen + keypad Ability to connect to a Pocketbase database through its REST API
Dome of Viviani Windows
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Wolfram Mathematica
Animated demonstration Viviani's curve creation on a semisphere and a cylinder intersection when disposed at a certain way Allows visializing the creation of a dome made of Viviani's curves along its surface while displacing the cylinder Allows setting the number of curves to visualize